Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weather / Car / Clutter / Health

Everyone is talking about the weather and absolutely no one is complaining.  May 11th we hit 63° with the past eight days (today being the 22nd) in the upper 70s to mid 80s with low dew point/humidity.  Daffodils are out, blooms are on the fruit trees, we brought out the patio chairs last weekend and sit out on the deck every evening after work.  Life is good.  Why am I in the house typing this?  Hold on, I’m moving outdoors.  I should be paying royalties to the dudes that came up with wireless routers.    

We picked up our new car a month ago, 2012 Honda CRV.  We used to say the ash tray is full - time to turn it in.  But they don’t put ash trays in cars anymore.  He wanted white this time.  What a difference the light color makes with regard to interior temperatures.  With the dark brown RAV4, we would have the air conditioner on if it was sunny and 67°.  We went to lunch today, it’s sunny and 80°, he didn’t turn the air on. 

We are in full de-cluttering mode.  Past two weekends we have gone through every closet.  Those evening dresses from Christmas parties and weddings years ago, suit coats from when Jack was a Controller, shoes he buys and doesn’t like after all, all getting donated.  I’m good about my daily clothes and shoes.  If they haven’t been worn in the last two years, out it goes.  However, I was surprised how many of the shirts and pants that “these would be good for working in the yard” I had accumulated and had to reduce the size of. 

Today and part of tomorrow will be the basement.  Neighbor is taking the two area rugs that have been rolled up since we moved in.   He wants to keep the snow skis.  I’m to check with Steve and family if they want the bowling balls, however I have half a notion to keep them.   Gone will be the three pictures that are still boxed up from when we had everything stored for the year we were in Europe.  Gone will be knick-knacks, spice rack, paper towel holder, baskets that I no longer recall where they came from, tacking looking fake flowers, and anything else that hasn’t been looked at in the 12 ½ years we have been in this house.   

Keeping the scales that Chick and Mary brought back from Spain.  That eventually goes to Mary.  Keeping the Monopoly game we bought in the late 70s that has never been opened.  Keeping the three boxes of books from Jack’s college days.    AND keeping the 33rpm album of the Russian Symphony.  Yep, Russian.  The cover is a photo of the whole orchestra; all of them in their brown comrade uniforms with red accents.   What a hoot.  We have a stack of old 33rpm albums from either the house in Hudsonville or maybe it was the house in Ada.  They were in a bunch of boxes of basic junk that the former owner left in the basement for us to deal with.   Oh, and we’re keeping all of Thom and Dar’s stuff.

Health wise, we are doing okay all things considered especially the getting older part.  We both avoided (so far) the flu that went around the office a couple of weeks ago.  Haven’t even caught a cold this season – knock on wood.

Jack’s energy level is down again.  He started getting the B12 shots every four weeks since February, but they aren’t kicking in like they did in the past.  He naps in the morning, and most afternoons, goes to bed around 7:30 or 8pm.  I can tell when he’s taken an afternoon nap; he will read and is able to stay up until 9pm.  Even walking around Sears for a humidifier filter wore him out a couple weeks ago.

I’m having problems with the ligaments/tendons on my right thumb.  I’ve gotten a better wrist pad, wearing my watch on my left hand, and started taking fish oil.   These have made for a noticeable difference.  There isn’t the constant aching that makes me walk around the office with my hand under my left arm pit or massaging it.  Now it will hurt if I extend the thumb outwards, or like this, where I’m typing for a longer than normal time.   

In the past couple of months the dog has shown signs of aging too in that he has to work at getting up and is very stiff walking once he does.  In this weather, he often sleeps on the tile in the kitchen.  Monday he tried to get up and his feet would slip.  He would yip at Jack until Jack finally helped him up.  I think Jack was more upset than the dog; he called me at work to tell me.  I’m just glad Jack didn’t fall on his butt.  Yet, when we go to the vet in October it will be he’s the healthiest 13 year old dog the vet has seen in a long time….

Kirk and Amy are doing good.  Both are still working six days a week.  We almost went out to visit them, but we decided to wait for when we can spend more time with them than just a Sunday.

Kathy (Indermuehle) is all settled in Norfolk, VA.  All ties to Florida are gone with the exception of friends.  The last being her cell phone number is now Norfolk.  She is definietley enjoying time with Bobbie Sue and her family.

1 comment:

  1. If you still have energy left after de-cluttering the basement... please feel free to work on our pile too. I'm sure Dar won't mind.

