Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning from Elder / Books / Tigers / Family

Been awhile, so this is rather long.

Kirk called last night.  Northern New York is still on the wet side; they were having a reprieve Friday.  It doesn’t look like they will have more than Thanksgiving Day off.  Too soon to tell how much time they will have off at Christmas.  We are planning on going to Beaver Dam for Christmas this year so fingers crossed that they get a couple/three weeks and then could hit Tennessee and Wisconsin.

Mary and Nick are back from the annual senior baseball tournaments in St. George UT.  Mary said it was good weather and great views; however Nick’s team didn’t win this year.  Bummer.

When we lived in Lawrenceville, Georgia we really got into watching the Atlanta Braves.  We even went to a couple of games.  Back then, Joe Torre was the manager.  That’s how long ago it was.

Detroit Tigers had been doing really good so we thought we’d start watching them.  We tried a few times in August, but had a hard time of it.  There is so much pre-pitch wiggling, waggling, practice swinging by the batter that it took forever between pitches.

We gave it another try during the playoffs.  Not any better, if not worse.  Me, I started people watching during the various games. This is the playoffs.  Win the series and your team is in the World Series.  So how can a 60ish gentleman, sitting in the 2nd row behind the batter’s box, in a sweater looking like Mr. Rogers, be nodding off?  There was a guy that could pass for Mickey Rooney’s brother.  In another game there were two women about 3 rows up having talk fest.  I mean looking at each other totally oblivious to the crowd noise of a hit or bad call.  That had to be one piece of juicy gossip.  Men would kill for those seats and here are two women jaw-jacking.

Books We Are Reading:
I haven’t been checking out books from the library due to the Nook.  However, in the library last week, I noticed a Pearl S. Buck “Letter from Peking” in large print.  A very good book.  Doesn’t top Good Earth or Three Daughters of Madam Lang, still I don’t think she wrote a bad book. 

Jack picked up books at the library from Charles Cumming, Robert Crais, and Steve Berry.  He’s into espionage-ish / thriller stuff.  About a year ago I started keeping the check out slips that lists the author and title.  That got cumbersome. Then the idea hit me to buy a pocket size address book.  I started writing down the books he has checked out so I have an alphabetical list of the dozen or so authors he likes that is easy to carry.  Yes, I could put it on the computer, but there are times when handwritting them down is easier and quicker than firing up a computer, opening a program, opening a document, entering, printing out a list, and saving.  Maybe it's just me.

Never Too Late To Learn From The Elder:
I’ve never liked yellow flowers.  A couple of years ago Dar mention using yellow in flower beds.  After Jack mentioned I’m using a little too much pink, I picked up a bunch of yellow cone flowers just before Dar and Thom visited.  She suggested we plant most of them in front of the Russian Sage.  Damn, that was a good mix.

Or the value of pruning shrubs short.  My Clematis’ have been doing terrific for years due to a hardy annual pruning.   But it wasn’t until she trimmed back the new Nine-Bark and Viburnum that I really saw the benefit.

Then there is the benefit of not just for sightseeing, but also for shopping that a small purse with a long strap that can be put over the head and across the body is handy.  Dar and Thom are into traveling light. 

And the microwave of 2 cups of water with 4-6 ounces of pasta for 10 minutes.  Summer is the time for salads, but heating up the kitchen to boil the pasta was counterproductive.  I was boiling the pasta at night for the next day up until now.

Who knew there was much to learn from the elders?

Notre Dame has Jack really grumbling tonight.  They are playing USC and…not doing well.  Western Michigan lost to Eastern Michigan no less.  Here’s hoping Wisconsin and Tennessee win to even things out.

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