Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Nook and Computer

We go to the library every Saturday.  The 4th of July weekend was no different.  Saturday evening Jack started to read one of the two books he had picked out only to discover it was one he had already read.  The other wasn’t in large print and he got frustrated trying to read the regular print.  Library won’t be open until Tuesday.  As good as time as any, let’s go buy a Nook so that you can connect into the library and download books as needed along with being able to adjust the print size for reading.

Doesn’t that sound simple?  NOT. 

Sunday morning we bring home the handy dandy Nook from Barnes and Noble.  Problems started when I read that it has a wireless connection.  My router is programmed so that only my laptop can connect wirelessly. There would be no connecting to the library this weekend.  We made a trip back to Barnes and Noble and purchased an e-book so Jack has something to read.  Wow, buying a book is like two clicks – done!

Monday, our ace in-house IT guy gave me the low down on how to obtain the MAC code and add it to the router.  Cool.  Got that done and the Nook is running wireless. 

However, it wasn’t until the following weekend that I finally got to the point of getting a log-in for the library web site, downloading the Adobe Digital, figuring out I don’t download directly to the Nook, and it’s an ePDF that we want. 

Searched the library website and found a book to download, but can’t open the document.  After reading a couple of on-line blogs I learned I should not ‘save’ the ePDF, I should only ‘open’ the ePDF and it will download properly on its own to the laptop as long as I have the Adobe Digital software open.  And then connect the Nook to the laptop to do the drag and drop.  Once ya know what you’re doing, it is simple.

Lately Jack’s computer keeps freezing up and I get tired of listening to the grumbling.  To Best Buy we go and pick up a Dell monitor and CPU all in one. We set it up as wireless so that we can still access the old computer to get everything off of it.  Finding where the MAC number was finding a needle in a hay stack. Don’t ask me where I found it. 

Print drivers are no longer on the computer.  Connecting printers requires going the HP web site and downloading the driver for the one we have.

He also needed to get a new email address.  He gets 50 emails a day from gawd knows where and that doesn’t include emails that go right to the junk in-box.  Copying over the old email contacts/addresses was a breeze.  But getting him used to a different way to compose and send an email was a task in itself.

Still have to load the MS Home Office.  No discs, it’s now a download from the Microsoft website.  Sounds easy enough. I got to the point of getting the key #, entering it, but can’t get it to start the download.  It just sits there at 0% downloaded.  Thirty minute call to them resulted in they can’t help me because their computers were having problems.  She did graciously give me step by step instructions and learned that I needed to create a log-in for Microsoft to get the work order number that I also needed.  Give me the good old days of using a disc.

Too many bells and whistles on the electronics that makes it so complicated for the simple stuff we want to do with them.  AUGH!

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