Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Search of the Perfect Jacket.

I actually own the perfect jacket.  I have since we first visited Mike in Prague in 1993…1992??  Well, right around that time.  It’s the perfect weight.  Has the key attribute to a perfect jacket, inside pockets, multiple inside packets.  It wasn’t expensive; I bought it either a K-Mart or JC Penney type store. 
The only thing was that it is red, which wasn’t exactly the best color to wear while touring a former communist country shortly after the velvet revolution.  Well, what did I know back then?
Anyway, I have replaced that perfect jacket five or six times in the past seven or eight years.   I keep purchasing what I think will suffice as a replacement, and…they never do.  Couple of years ago I found one that had the mandatory inside pockets, however it was fleece.  What was I thinking when I thought fleece in July and August would work?  Or the one that was navy blue, unlined, a big deep floppy pockets-too big and a tiny pocket-too small, cell phone barely could fit it; the one that was car coat length that is annoying with a lining that was too warm; the simple unlined windbreaker that makes too much noise when walking; or the black cotton that’s too hot and attracted the white dog hairs. 
So I’ve started the search once again only this time the budget has increased, within reason that is.  I still can’t spend $100 on a jacket, a summer jacket no less.  Macy’s had dozens, either no mandatory multiple inside pockets of a reasonable depth or the right weight and length.  The search goes on.  Land’s End seems to have a couple possibilities. Our Sear’s didn’t carry the one I was most interested in so I’ve ordered it.  I'll know in a few days if I've found 'the one'.

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