Saturday, October 25, 2014

This and That

The past two Wednesday mornings at my deep water aerobics class (which is still held in the outdoor pool for another week) a flock of Canadian geese flew over.   Palm trees and Canadian geese, odd pairing, at least to me.

I’ve learned a couple of things from my neighbor, Rita. 
--Save the little containers from the deli.  They can be used to send leftovers home with guests.  You get rid of leftover and the person doesn’t have to feel as though they have to return the container.
--Serve appetizers using small unique plates.  Creates conversation.  For that reason I love Goodwill and the resale shops.

Kathy taught me that Goodwill can be a great place to shop.  She will be here a week from today and is staying for a week.  I’m excited.  We’re going to the Grand Canyon and the Indian cave dwellings.  I’ve never been to either.

I’ve learned that I can be outside on the back patio, have the chair positioned so I could watch the World Series game, and read a book on the IPad.  Life is good…well not exactly since the game didn’t end the way I wanted it to.

I attended a tax class and one person said to another that her grandson turned 8 and she sent him 8 crisp $100 bills.  She had always sent $100 for each year for both grandchildren and planned to continue to.  Wonder if she would consider adopting me?

I’m learning I get up with the sun.  Missed going for a walk a couple mornings the past couple of weeks because I got up too late.  I start work at 7:30am and my walks are generally 35-45 minutes so rolling out of bed at 6:45 is not good.

I’m also finding with this new freedom of just me that I seem to do what I want to do too much like shopping or reading a book and putting off things that I should be doing like dusting and going through the stack of mail that has accumulated.  I’m good about going through the mail when it arrives to toss the junk mail; it’s just the stack with the things that I need to do something with just keeps accumulating.  So as of today the mindset will be do the work first and then reward myself with something I want to do.  Work-then play.  Work-then play.  Wonder if it will help if I keep telling myself that?

Weather is low 90’s during the afternoon.  Mid 60’s at night.  Hit 58 one morning that I came right back into the house and changed from skimmers to pants and put on a long sleeve shirt over the T-shirt.  We move into mid to upper 80’s next week.  I have only turned the air on once the past three weeks and that was because I had people over in the late afternoon.  I shut the windows about 9-10 am and the house doesn’t get about 78.

I’m having problems finding cherry juice for Old Fashions.  There is none in any of the grocery stores.  Tomorrow I’m going to run over to Total Wine and see if they have it.

Wisconsin club has their first gathering of the season the 2nd week of November.  I put in for a half day of vacation to attend.

Joe, the neighbor across the street, might have been at Fort Pierce, FL about the same time Jack was.  He was in the Navy, but not the Scouts and Raiders.  He knew of them and said they were a tough bunch. 

So…ya remember the work then play from above…already broke the rule.  I’ve been out of the house for 3 hours.  Rita’s daughter from Minneapolis is here.  She called wanting to know if I wanted to buy plants at True Value with her.  If you buy their plants and bring a pot, they will plant them for you.  I ended up with five of the 6 plants-to-a-container of petunias, they potted 4 of the paks for me, and it cost $9.74.  For real.  Under $10. 

The season for planting annual flowers has started.  It’s crazy.  It’s spring all over again!  Who knew?

So now I’m behind on going through that dang to-do pile.  Drat.  I have a load of wash in the wash machine that I put in earlier this morning.  Buzzards.  I probably should just consider the day wasted and go to Total Wine.

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